Bolognese Sauce


Pirro's Sauce

Pirro's bolognese sauce is a hearty meat sauce made with premium ingredients including veal and pancetta with a smoky, rich flavor.


24 oz

Ingredients: tomatoes, water, veal, mushrooms, uncured bacon (pork, sea salt, sugar, spices), carrots, celery, onions, butter, olive oil, spices, shallots, honey, canola oil, salt, black pepper. Contains milk. No nitrates or nitrates added. 

Diet: Gluten free

Made in the USA

Meet The Maker

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Pirro's sauces create lasting memories

"My father was the most passionate chef I have ever met. He lived for the taste of a delicious home-cooked meal and also had an endless desire to share his passion of food with everyone he cared for.

These feelings were shared from my father in our restaurant where it became known for more than just great meals, but great experiences as well. Not only did our customer’s leave with full stomachs, they left with full hearts too. 

His sauce is not just any pasta sauce. It’s that feeling you get after leaving Grandma’s house from Sunday dinner with a full and happy belly. We think everyone should experience that feeling."

-Brianna Pirro

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